Your regulatory experts for the Plasticizer industry
Plasticizers are used in a variety of applications: ranging from rather technical areas as wire & cable, over day-to-day applications such as flooring & wallcovering, up to sensitive products like toys, food contact materials or medical devices. As diverse as the applications, is the regulatory framework.
If you are looking for support, our regulatory service offering is right for you!

- We closely monitor plasticizer regulations and developments in classification and labeling.
- We are closely connected in the market as we are actively involved in the European associations European Plasticizers and Vinyl Plus.
- We are a member of Vinyl Plus Germany (formerly the German PVC association AgPU), the German flexible flooring association FEB and PVC4Cables.
- We have a strong global internal and external network to support customers with lcoal regulations and help them navigate in the complex regulatory landscape.
RegXcellence® for Plasticizers - choose from our 3 offerings: