
Do you have questions about our products?
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Please click on your region to find your direct contact person of Alcohols, Glycol Ethers and Acetates.

Neville Colaco
Regional Marketing Lead – Alcohols, Solvents and Plasticizers - Asia Pacific

Juan Manuel Guzman
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe
Andre Weuste
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe

Emilia Siwiec
Rozpuszczaliniki i Alkohole
Warszawa, Poland

Sarah Gregoire
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France
Elke Wehner
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France

Emilia Siwiec
Rozpuszczaliniki i Alkohole
Warszawa, Poland

Emilia Siwiec
Rozpuszczaliniki i Alkohole
Warszawa, Poland

Enrique Moes Borrego
BASF Espanola S.L. SBU Solvents
Barcelona, Spain

Sarah Gregoire
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France
Elke Wehner
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France

Merle Bansen
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe
Juan Manuel Guzman
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe
Andre Weuste
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe

Konstantinos Georgantas
BASF Hellas Single Member S.A.

Sabrina Pinto
BASF Italia S.p.A. Sales Mgmt Alcohols & Solvents Italy
Cesano Maderno MB, Italy
Roberta Beretta
BASF Italia S.p.A. Sales Mgmt Alcohols & Solvents Italy
Cesano Maderno MB, Italy

Emilia Siwiec
Rozpuszczaliniki i Alkohole
Warszawa, Poland

Enrique Moes Borrego
BASF Espanola S.L. SBU Solvents
Barcelona, Spain

Andre Weuste
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe
Juan Manuel Guzman
Sales Alcohols & Solvents Europe

Muge Bayrak
BASF Tuerk Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. Sales Standard Amines
Istanbul, Turkey
Berfu Yoneyman
BASF Tuerk Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. Chemicals
Istanbul, Turkey

Sarah Gregoire
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France
Elke Wehner
Industrial Petrochemicals Europe
Levallois-Perret Cedex, France

Guido Giuliani Morgado Mingati
Commercial Support